ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7

Published monthly

Author: Flórián

Preparation of HOPO-containing lariate ethers based on the diaza-18-crown-6 scaffold 4157 4164
Florian Paßler, Linda Belke, Falco Reissig, Klaus Kopka, and Constantin Mamat Vol. 78, 7
Statistical Evaluation and the Nature of the Deposited Dust of the Residential Agglomerations of the City Košice 230 234
K. Uhrinová, K. Flórián, and M. Matherny Vol. 59, 4
Environmental Characteristics of the Atmosphere of Residential Agglomerations I. Dustiness of the Agglomerations 369 373
K. Flórián, M. Matherny, H. Nickel, N. Pliešovská, and K. Uhrinová Vol. 57, 5
Environmental Characteristics of the Atmosphere of Residential Agglomerations II. Main, Minor, and Trace Elements in the Gravitation Dust Sediments 374 381
K. Flórián, M. Matherny, H. Nickel, N. Pliešovská, and K. Uhrinová Vol. 57, 5
Checking of the Equivalency of One-Standard and Multistandard Calibration Methods in Solid-Sampling Atomic Spectroscopy 151 154
K. Flórián, J. Hassler, P. Rutarová, and GY. Záray Vol. 57, 3
Chemometric Evaluation of Direct Spectrochemical Methods in the Determination of Elements in the SiC Matrices 91 94
K. Flórián, J. Hassler, and M. Matherny Vol. 51, 2
Spectrochemical Determination of Minor and Trace Elements in Polymetallic Ores - Development of Method and Determination of Information Characteristics 122 127
K. Flórián, M. Matherny, and Ľ. Blahut Vol. 49, 3
Thermoanalytical Study of Acrylonitrile—Vinylidene Chloride Copolymers 202 206
Š. Florián and M. Bert Vol. 47, 3
Professor Ing. Mikuláš Matherny, DrSc. Sixty Years Old 431 432
K. Flórián Vol. 45, 3
Optimization of the evaluation in spectroscopy 353 367
K. Flórián, G. Heltai, and K. Zimmer Vol. 36, 3
Study on the excitation of emission spectra in a medium voltage spark discharge. Part VIII. Determination of the homology of spectral-line pairs using copper sifter electrodes 160 165
K. Flórián and N. Pliešovská Vol. 32, 2
Study of the excitation of emission spectra in an intermediate-voltage spark discharge. V. Verification of the selection of spectral line pairs by the scatter diagram method using copper sifter electrodes 197 203
K. Flórián and N. Pliešovská Vol. 31, 2
Study of the excitation of emission spectra in an intermediate-voltage spark discharge. VI. Study of excitation and vaporization processes using copper sifter electrodes 204 214
K. Flórián and N. Pliešovská Vol. 31, 2
Study of the excitation of emission spectra in an intermediate-voltage spark discharge. VII. Study of the course of calibration lines using copper sifter electrodes 215 222
K. Flórián and N. Pliešovská Vol. 31, 2
Study of the excitation of emission spectra in the medium-voltage spark discharge. Part III. Determination of straight calibration curves 45 52
K. Flórián and V. Juričková Vol. 31, 1
Study of the excitation of emission spectra in the mean stress spark discharge. Part IV. Study of the homology of spectral linepairs 53 59
K. Flórián Vol. 31, 1
Dependence of the variation of calibration functions on their mode of preparation in spectrochemical emission analysis 760 767
K. Flórián, A. Lavrin, and M. Matherny Vol. 28, 6
Emission spectra excitation in the medium voltage spark discharge. II. Investigation of the evaporation by the relation curves method 306 312
K. Flórián Vol. 28, 3
Study of the emission spectra excitation by medium voltage spark discharge. I. Selection of optimum pairs of spectral lines by the method of scatter diagrams 204 217
K. Flórián Vol. 28, 2
Establishing linear calibration functions in emission spectroscopy 623 633
K. Flórián, A. Lavrin, and M. Matherny Vol. 27, 5
Influence of the a.c. intermittent arc electrical parameters on the excitation of the atomic spectra. V. Spectrochemical properties of full wave a.c. arc 183 192
K. Flórián and M. Matherny Vol. 27, 2
Comparison of some spectrochemical methods in the excitation of powder materials by scatter diagrams. III. Excitation of magnesium oxide matrix in d.c. arc 55 66
K. Flórián and M. Matherny Vol. 27, 1
Influence of the a.c. intermittent arc electrical parameters on the excitation of the atomic spectra. I. Investigation of the evaporation process by correlation curves 407 414
K. Flórián and M. Matherny Vol. 25, 6
Influence of the a.c. intermittent arc electrical parameters on the excitation of the atomic spectra. II. Plasma temperature and electron pressure dependence on the polarity and pulse numbers 415 420
K. Flórián, M. Matherny, and Ž. Rybárová Vol. 25, 6
Influence of the a.c. intermittent arc electrical parameters on the excitation of the atomic spectra. III. Changes of the analytical curves in relation to the polarity of electrodes and number of pulses 421 430
K. Flórián, V. Juríčková, and M. Matherny Vol. 25, 6
Influence of the a.c. intermittent arc electrical parameters on the excitation of the atomic spectra. IV. Determination of the homology of spectral line pairs in relation to the electrode polarity and pulse numbers 431 440
K. Flórián and M. Matherny Vol. 25, 6
Fractionation of Block Copolymer Methyl Methacrylate—Styrene Obtained by Copolymerization Method 198 202
E. Borsig, Š. Florián, and M.Lazár Vol. 24, 3

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