ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7

Published monthly

Co-precipitation behaviour of titanium-containing silicate solution

Hui-Hong Lü, Min-Zhi Wu, Zheng-Li Zhang, Xing-Rong Wu, Liao-Sha Li, and Zhi-Fang Gao

Key Laboratory of Metallurgical Emission Reduction … Resources Recycling, Ministry of Education, Anhui University of Technology, Hudong Road 59, Ma'anshan, 243002 Anhui, China



Abstract: The co-precipitation behaviour of a simulated Al2(SO4)3–TiOSO4–Na2SiO3 solution that imitated the lixivium of Ti-bearing blast furnace slag (Ti-slag) leached by sulphuric acid was investigated in this study. Various chemical analyses were employed to study the selective precipitation of multiple target components. Based on the high-added-value applications of Ti-slag, a new method was developed to prepare aluminium titanate composites from titanium-containing silicates. The findings demonstrate that the onsets of Ti and Al precipitation occur at pH values of 3.5 and 5.0, respectively, followed by Si precipitation. The particle sizes of the co-precipitates were greatly influenced by the precipitants, pH and the initial Al/Ti mole ratio. The results also show that the precipitation ratio of Ti, Al and Si generally increases with the pH and temperature, regardless of the Al/Ti mole ratio. The Si-O-Al, Ti-O-Al, and Ti-O-Si bonds that were formed were dependent on the pH and the initial Al/Ti mole ratio. There was a synthesis path for β-Al2TiO5(AT) from the solid-state reaction between rutile and α-Al2O3 at 1362.5°C. The AT composites were successfully prepared by sintering the co-precipitates at 1450°C, which exhibited good thermal stability as estimated by the XRD measurements of the sample annealed at 1200°C for 4 hours.

Keywords: co-precipitation behaviour; resources; aluminium titanate composites; titanium containing silicates; Ti-slag

Full paper is available at

DOI: 10.1515/chempap-2016-0100


Chemical Papers 70 (12) 1632–1641 (2016)

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