ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Polysaccharides of yeasts. I. Surface mannan of Candida albicans
D. Šikl, L. Masler, and Š. Bauer
Chemical Institute Slovak Academy of Sciences,
Department of Biochemistry of Saccharides, Bratislava
Abstract: From the surface of cellular membranes of pathogenous yeast Candida albicans
BERKHOUT, strain number 109, in water soluble extracellular surface polysaccharide was
isolated of the average degree of polymerisation (DP) = 36 and specific rotation [α]D =
= +56°. By means of the methylation analysis the following O -methyle thers of D-mannose
were determinated: 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-methyl-; 3,4,6-tri-O-methyl- and 3,4-di-O-methyl-
-D-mannose in the ratio 1 3 : 1. In the periodate oxidation, 1.08 mol sodium metaperiodate
was consumed and there resulted 0.20 mol of formic acid to 1 mol of anhydromannose.
The polyaldehyd formed by periodate oxidation was reduced and hydroíysed.
In the hydrolysates glycerol was determined as the only polyalcohol present. The results
of periodate oxidation proved the conclusions of methylation analysis.
From the decrease of optical rotation after acid hydrolysis and from the infrared
spectrum it was found, that in the surface mannan there are a-glycosidic bounds. On the basis of the above mantioned facts, extracellular surface mannan Candida
albicans strain number 109 is a branched polysaccharide composed of the mannopyranose
units bound by α-1,2- and α-l,6-bounds. It is different from the intracellular mannan
isolated by C. T. Bishop [4] from the cellular walls of Candida albicans by a lower
degree of branching.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 191a21.pdf (in Slovak)
Chemical Papers 19 (1) 21–27 (1965)