ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Photodestruction of poly(vinyl chloride). II. Influence of monochromatic ultraviolet radiation on physical properties of polymer
L. Lapčík, J. Štefanec, J. Valášek, M. Čeppan, A. Blažková, and J. Polavka
Department of Textile, Pulp, and Paper,
Slovak Technical University, 880 37Bratislava
Abstract: The photooxidative degrdn. of poly(vinyl chloride) (I) by monochromatic radiation of 405 ± 10 nm wavelength in air was studied at 25°. The effects of the exposure on phys. properties of I film were examd.: the limiting angle of wetting, surface energy, glass temp. (Tg), absorption in the UV, visible, and IR regions, gel fraction, and mol. wt. of the sol. fraction of the exposed sample were detd. The hydrophilicity of the surface of the sample, absorption in the UV and IR regions, and gel fraction content increased with exposure time of I, while Tg and the mol. wt. of the sol. fraction decreased.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 353a359.pdf
Chemical Papers 35 (3) 359–371 (1981)