ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Methods of Electron Structure Spectroscopy in Molecular Organic
Solids Based on Space Charge Conductivity
F. Schauer, R. Novotný, and V. Čech
Faculty of Chemistry, Technical University, CZ-637 00 Brno
Abstract: Space-charge-limited currents (SCLC) in steady state (S-SCLC) may be with advantage used as tools for the study of the density of localized states (DOS) in disordered inorganic and organic semiconductors. S-SCLC are observed with advantage in high resistivity materials with mobile carriers.In this paper the S-SCLC method is presented, focusing on the DOS evaluation, steady-state drift mobility, temperature dependence of S-SCLC and the statistical shift of the Fermi level in S-SCLC, SCLC in organic materials with amphoteric defects and contact limitations as a result of detailed modelling of real structures exhibiting SCLC. Paper may serve as a review of the present state of the space-charge-limited currents theory.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 504a206.pdf
Chemical Papers 50 (4) 206–217 (1996)