ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7

Published monthly

Author: Weber

Chemical profile, antimicrobial potential, and antiaggregant activity of supercritical fluid extract from Agaricus bisporus 6205 6214
Simone Schneider Weber, Alessandra Carla Sampaio de Souza, Denise Caroline Luiz Soares, Caroline Carvalho Lima, Ana Carolina Rabello de Moraes, Stephanie Viegas Gkionis, Tanara Arenhart, Luiz Gustavo Gonçalves Rodrigues, Sandra Regina Salvador Ferreira, Rozangela Curi Pedrosa, Denise Brentan Silva, Edgar Julian Paredes-Gamero, Renata Trentin Perdomo, and Eduardo Benedetti Parisotto Vol. 76, 10
Thiopyrimidine derivatives induce cytotoxicity, cell cycle arrest and oxidative stress in breast cancer 3D-spheroids 1211 1220
Giovana Bicudo Gomes, Claudia Stutz Zubieta, Simone Schneider Weber, Dênis Pires de Lima, Thatikonda Narendar Reddy, Ana Tereza Gomes Guerrero, Maria de Fatima Cepa Matos, Eduardo Benedetti Parisotto, and Renata Trentin Perdomo Vol. 75, 3
Investigation of environmental and concentration effects on fluorescence properties of AlQ3 using mesoporous silica and polyacrylate 1887 1894
Jalal Poostforooshan, Alireza Badiei, Gholamali Farzi, Hassan Goldooz, and Alfred P. Weber Vol. 71, 10

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